This visual brings a new perspective to the verses from Ecclesiastes 4 that say, "Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble." [9, 10 NLT] Solomon, the writer of this saying, sees the benefit of having a friend to help "have a good reward for your labor" [KJV] and when you fall to have "another to lift him up!" [AMP]
Let's take this idea of helping one another to a new level. What if like that tiny creature the milipede our legs numbered anywhere between 36 and 400? That kind of support would certainly make an impact our lives as we move along life's path. This is where small groups, ministry partners and church fellowships come in. They are the multiplication factor when it comes to having others to share the joys and struggles of daily living. The writer of Hebrews urges us to "... not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another..." in order to "spur one another on toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:25, 24 NIV
Paul also spoke of this idea of supporting each other in his second letter to the Corinthian church--
"We think you ought to know, dear brothers and sisters, about the trouble we went through in the province of Asia. We were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our ability to endure, and we thought we would never live through it. In fact, we expected to die. But as a result, we stopped relying on ourselves and learned to rely only on God, who raises the dead. And he did rescue us from mortal danger, and he will rescue us again. We have placed our confidence in him, and he will continue to rescue us. And you are helping us by praying for us. Then many people will give thanks because God has graciously answered so many prayers for our safety."
2 Corinthians 1:8-11
Here is another way to look at it. Let's look at the action of sharing. When someone shares with you, you have something you didn't have before. Two people rather than one have something. Whether it be a piece of cake, a kind word or a helping hand, both have enjoyed an increase. Yes, it's true. No dividing has taken place but rather a multiplying of the 'joy factor'. Joy in the giving and joy in the receiving. Win win. When its your time to share you not only have the joy in giving but now because you have received you also understand the joy the receiver will have in the getting. Now, we are moving beyond simple multiplication into exponents (and I know by just saying the word I've lost you), but it's win, win, win for each person- the giving, the receiving and the experience we have in common of knowing what the giving and the receiving feels like. Too complicated? Maybe but it only builds from there and it applies to the words encourage, build up, do good and love as well. They are multipliers of hope when it comes to living life side-by-side.
In the case of our little millipede, more legs mean more stability, more ease when it goes along its way and more hope that it will reach its destination. As we watch this little creature whose legs work so well in unison scury off on its way, we can picture a life that can seem to glide along when we work together and watch out for one another. Paul writes of a time when he can't wait to be rescued from Judea and return to the church in Rome saying, "that by God's will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed." Romans 15:32 Refreshment does come when we join together. Life seems a little easier, we feel encouraged, and the joy we share is multipied. What a wonderous thing it is to to have each other's legs to stand on as we move along the path of life!
"May God, who gives this patience and encouragement [waiting for his promises to be fullfilled], help you live in complete harmony with each other, as is fitting for followers of Christ Jesus. Then all of you can join together with one voice, giving praise and glory to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ." ~Romans 15:5-6
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