Thursday, January 12, 2012

Route 66: Day 12; Genesis 35-37

Favoritism Strikes Again! should be the title of Genesis 37. Maybe, Jacob thought it was a good 'look' for his family because it worked for him in the past but the other family members did not quite see it his way. Add brothers who suffered from 'low moral integrity' and you have a poisonous mix. These sibs of Joe's were sick and tired of him. All the special attention sent his way by their father and then, to hear his crazy ramblings about they would be bowing to him...well, that just pushed them over the edge with their anger. Favoritism in a family destroys the unity a family should feel. Each person of he household should feel as valued as the next. Put favoritism into any group and the group will be dysfunctional with the potential of imploding. At the very least, the group will become ineffective due to its disunity.

One of favoritism's synonyms is discrimination. Now, that puts a very negative feel to the action of the word. Antonyms of favoritism: fairness, impartially, justice. Those are words that will improve any family dynamic. What a price Jacob paid for his inability act fairly toward all his sons. Not only did he loose Joseph but those other boys sat with their father as he grieved not saying a word. Mmmm...mmm...mmm. Such a sad state of affairs.

Blessed are those who act justly, who always do what is right. ~Psalms 106:3

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