Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Route 66: Day 11; Genesis 32-34

Jacob certainly was a businessman. He was very good a what he did. It seemed his whole thought process was governed by how he could come out ahead. And I think because of this, he thought that was how everybody operated. Unfortunately, it sometimes ruined his relationships. At least it is true with the relationship he had with his brother. We see his wheeling and dealing came between himself and Esau in Genesis 25:29-34, leaving Esau hating the whole situation with his birthright. Then, when it comes time for the brothers to be reunited in chapter 33, Jacob is again slipping into 'how can I make this go well for me' attitude offering payment for forgiveness. Esau was not looking  for restitution. He wanted a relationship with his brother. Esau didn't need Jacob's livestock. He had his own. He didn't need or want Jacob's stuff. He wanted Jacob. Our relationship with God should mirror the one Esau desired with his brother. It should not have to do with how we can get ahead by adding him to our lives or what we do to buy his forgiveness. God just wants a relationship based on love with us.

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