Monday, January 16, 2012

Route 66: Day 15; Genesis 43-45

I ask you you, "What is up with Joseph's brothers?" Go to Egypt, get grain, leave Simeon as colladeral, go home, eat grain... What about Simeon?! I imagine like Jacob, they believed he was 'no more'. These men had now caused the demise of two of their father's sons and they had a feeling their sin was about to be found out. Even though the brothers were not aware of it, God's plan was at work here 'to prosper and not harm' this family. My favorite verse in this whole passage is when on their return to Egypt, Joseph's steward says, “It’s all right...Don’t be afraid. Your God, the God of your father, has given you treasure in your sacks....” [43:23]  There was more to meet the eye in these sacks of grain and hidden silver. In the end, the real 'treasure'  in these sacks would be reconcillation, forgiveness and restoration in a family.

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