Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Route 66: Day 16; Genesis 46-47

Another Roll Call and then the wagons would head out for Egypt. Ruben.. here; Hanok...here; Pallu...here. All of Jacob's family were accounted for except the ones they had buried. Sixty-six in all plus women folk and servants. A large group by any standard when you consider it was just a family.  But this family, blessed by God would return home numbering in the millions. God was true to his word. He would prosper them and build them into a great nation even when they found themselves enslaved to their host. Amazing how that happens. God says, "Here's the plan and even though I know you will not be able to keep up with me and things may not always seem to go your way, I am still going to bring blessing through my plan." He's got it all worked out. And that in itself is a blessing.

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